2023 ANZSCoS ASM a great success – an interview with Kerri Ireland
by Leanne Rees
I think everyone would agree, Kerri Ireland (far right in image) from the South Australian Spinal Cord Injury Service (SASCIS) has a second calling as a fine MC. I had the opportunity to have a chat with Kerri to find out how she enjoyed this year’s ANZSCoS annual scientific meeting (ASM) held in Adelaide in November.
What is your day-to-day job Kerri?
I’ve been in the SASCIS Acting Program Manager role for the past five months, and prior to this I worked as an exercise physiologist in the SCI rehabilitation unit since 2020.
What was your role with this year’s ANZSCoS ASM?
I was on the local organising committee and helped with chairing some of the sessions on the ASM program.
What motivated you to be part of the LOC?
I thought it would be a good opportunity to meet people from other SCI services.
What was your ASM highlight?
The panel of consumers at the end of day one. We really wanted the ASM to have a lived experience focus and this was a great opportunity to bring people with SCI together on the stage and have a forum where people could ask questions that they may otherwise not have had time for.
What are some of things you have taken away from being part of the LOC and attending the ASM?
Connections. I really didn’t know much about the other SCI services across Australia and New Zealand, and I realise there is so much we can learn from each other. I also enjoyed Duane Kale keynote presentation and his rationale for keeping the Paralympics as a separate entity to the Olympics.
What advice do you have for the Perth LOC who are preparing for the 2024 ANZSCoS ASM?
Start early, meet regularly, and enjoy the teamwork. It pays off beautifully in the end.
Thanks so much for your time Kerri!